A&E wait times through the roof with 710 patients waiting over 12 hours in December
New figures have revealed the extent of the NHS crisis in Peterborough’s North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust.
New figures have revealed the extent of the NHS crisis in Peterborough’s North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust.
The new year is viewed with trepidation by many in Peterborough but offers some glimmers of hope and the prospect of real change later in the year.
Evidence suggests it's likely that most of the people being housed in the Great Northern Hotel are genuine refugees, writes Lib Dem Councillor Nick Sandford.
Everyone should have a warm secure home and be able to reach work and leisure easily, writes Beki Sellick, of Peterborough Liberal Democrats .
Strange times indeed with national politics, specifically the Conservatives seem intent on rearranging the deckchairs whilst the band plays on, writes Lib Dem Group Leader Christian Hogg.
The plans, announced in October, have been drawn up in an attempt to address the force’s budget deficit and help make savings of £1.7 million in 2021/22, include halving the number of PCSOs, removing the community safety team, closing nine enquiry offices, and introducing an appointments-based system for members of the public to speak to police officers.