Latest Update on Localities Review (Jan 2024)

Cabinet approved the Localities Assets Review in November 2023. At the time the Cabinet paper included an Exempt Annex of 28 assets under consideration in Phase 1. Following the necessary engagement with the operators and users of the sites, this list along with the initial proposals, is now set out in full below.
The key deliverables of the review are as follows:
A smaller portfolio of localities assets.
An investment plan to ensure retained assets are fit for purpose to be funded wholly or in part via the disposals plan.
A review of the overall compliance liabilities for both the council and the occupiers to ensure clarity over accountabilities for the repair, maintenance, and compliance requirements for the property.
A wider engagement plan for the operators of the site and members of the public to inform and shape any final recommendations
A disposals/repurposing plan for assets deemed surplus to requirements.
A report with a Localities Strategy for the council’s buildings being reviewed and establishing the minimum standard service provision within the estate.
Identification of opportunities to work with partners in terms of use of assets and service provision.
A financial appraisal of the options examined, the key risks, next steps and a series of recommendations.
Phase 1
Since Cabinet approval, Officers have reviewed 28 sites under Phase 1 of the Locality Asset Review. This included community centres, libraries, youth centres, vacant sites and leisure sites. Officers have met with operators and users of these sites as well as attended public meetings supported by Elected Members. The feedback received from this engagement has been incorporated into Officers conclusions and associated recommendations set out in Appendix 1.
In most cases it is too early to make specific recommendations regarding opportunities to retain, repurpose, invest or dispose of any site. The conclusions set out in Appendix 1 deal with each site on a case-by-case basis and recommends moving certain sites forward for approval through the governance process.
Most sites listed will require more time to consider options and proposals and make clear recommendations. This may include developing business cases for the repurposing of assets and/or giving communities time to raise funds to either purchase their assets or to secure occupation by way of the Community Asset Transfer Policy. On this basis officers are proposing to continue to report to Cabinet on a quarterly basis with updates and recommendations in relation to these sites.
Phase 2
Officers are proposing to focus on school and other education sites as part of Phase 2. There are a number of reasons for this recommendation, they include:
Following the divestment of the management of this service from Cambridgeshire County Council, the council has taken responsibility for schools with this presenting an opportunity to consider the estate with a fresh pair of eyes.
Many schools became academies several years ago. Academies utilising former council school sites usually occupy land and properties under a 125 year lease.
Since the academisation it is evident that some schools and academies have determined that all or part of their estate could be put to a better use. This is not possible without the council, as landlord, providing consent.
Opportunities exist to engage with schools and academies to incorporate new community uses into the sites, to repurpose land and buildings no longer needed and to generate capital and revenue income streams (that will be shared between the parties) from divesting surplus assets.
This review will also include maintained schools.
There are a number of statutory requirements and obligations around repurposing school buildings, and these need careful consideration and planning. Neither the council nor the schools can act independently in this matter and close collaborative working is needed. As it stands the council has never undertaken a review of this type and the governance framework set out by the Locality Assets Review provides suitable governance for the exercise.
The review has resulted in identifying a number of sites that could be potentially disposed, invested into, repurposed and redeveloped. This is not a definitive list and further engagement is required with members, operators of the site and the public before a final determination can be made.
The review of the localities assets represents the beginning of a process for the buildings and sites reviewed.
Phase 2 of the review will focus on school and education sites (both academies and maintained schools).
Location | Comments | Recommendation to Cabinet |
Southfields Community Centre | Site identified for re-development. Discussions with group in occupation regarding relocating their current storage area. Working on a development appraisal to consider development options. Any proposals will be subject to obtaining any necessary planning permission | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
Stanground Library | Considering proposals to re-develop the site into a mixed-use scheme including a new library facility and community space on the ground floor and flats above. Every effort is being made to seek interim alternative accommodation for the library service to minimise any disruption. This may be another opportunity to deliver market leading affordable eco homes on site. This will all be subject to obtaining any necessary planning permission for the development. | Further work needs to be undertaken, along with consultation with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) before any final recommendation can be presented |
Fleet Community Centre | Working with the group managing the community centre on the possibility of selling surplus land and sharing the receipts the basis the the community centre uses its best endeavours to invest in other community sports facilities on the land presently owned by the association. Also considering the potential of selling the retained land and buildings to the association. Discussions are ongoing and feasibility studies, planning and valuation appraisals to be undertaken. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
Regional Fitness and Swimming Centre | Feasibility study ongoing around site options. Discussions in early new year on future options and future of the site. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
Stafford Hall community centre | Proposal for the site to be leased to a third party for community use, but on the basis that they complete certain works prior to any occupation. | Approve the disposal of the site on a long lease and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Services and Section 151 in consultation with t Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance and Finance to take all necessary steps to effect the disposal including agreement of terms. |
The Barn | Potential disposal for a community leisure use facility subject to market value and planning approval. Discussions with youth services are ongoing regarding relocation of the Princes Trust programme. Potential Clawback Payment from sale receipts due to Homes England to be considered. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
Thorney Community Centre and Library | A disposal of the site is considered the best option. Currently discussions are ongoing to arrange relocation of the foodbank and library to elsewhere in the village. DCMS to be engaged and kept informed about the relocation proposal. | Approve the disposal of the Site subject to agreeing terms for the relocation of foodbank and Library, and successful engagement with DCMS and to delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Governance to take all necessary steps to implement effect the disposal |
Woodston Library | Developing proposals to provide alternative service delivery arrangements for the library service and to convert the building to a bungalow to support the council's temporary accommodation needs. Will require agreement with DCMS before proceeding. | To continue engagement with DCMS following which a proposal will be presented with a clear recommendation. |
30 Cromwell Road | Following the review, a disposal of this site is considered the best option. The facility will continue to be used for community purposes with current occupiers remaining on site. | Approve the disposal of the Site and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Services to in consultation with Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance and Finance to take all necessary steps to effect the disposal including agreement of terms . |
Thistle Drive Community Centre | Potential disposal, but any purchaser will need to provide a new lease for the current gymnastics group to allow them to stay on site. The nursery has closed in the community hub. Also working with other users to find alternative space prior to determining whether a sale is feasible. | Further work needs to be undertaken before a clear recommendation can be provided which will include, an agreement to retain lease for gymnastics group on acceptable terms. |
Matley Community Centre | Option to dispose to current occupier or third party. Proposed to remain as community use. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
441 Lincoln Road | Looking at potential future options for this site, no decisions have been made. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
Welland Contact Centre | Relocation of existing operational use by the council and, subject to planning approval, conversion back to housing to support temporary accommodation needs. Funding has been secured for the works. | Recommendation to approve the relocation of the existing operational use and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Services to agree terms in consultation with Cabinet Member for Resources. |
Dogsthorpe Community Centre | Repurpose into a new family contact centre and children's hub. Services to be relocated to alternative nearby premises. Funding has been secured for the works. | Recommendation to approve the repurposing of the facility and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Services to agree terms in consultation with Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance and Finance |
Walton Community Centre | Potential to dispose of site to an education provider for possible education use. | Approve the disposal of the site and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Services in consultation with Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance and Finance to take all necessary steps to effect the disposal including agreement of terms. |
Chestnuts Community Centre | Retain. Open discussions re use of Community Ownership Fund to explore opportunities for the operators to purchase the building to improve the facilities and services on site. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
318 Gladstone Street | Site is occupied by Gladstone District Community Association under a long lease to the council at a peppercorn rent. Considering options to dispose of the council's freehold interest, tenants occupation will remain unchanged. | Approve the disposal of the site and delegate authority to the Executive Director of Corporate Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance and Finance to take all necessary steps to effect the disposal including agree terms |
Herlington Community Centre and Children's Centre | Retain and proactively manage to make best use of the space available. The council needs to keep ownership and control due to the high demand for childcare places in the area. Site identified as a potential neighbourhood hub. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
South Grove Community Centre | Retain as community centre and potentially issue new community asset transfer lease to enable the funding to be found. Condition survey undertaken and to be shared with centre early in the new year. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
George Alcock Community Centre | Retain centre but review options for enhancement of site. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
Paston Farm | Review ongoing but further analysis underway in relation to relocating current uses on site, liabilities to the council and future options. Other nearby site has been identified as a potential alternative space for the community fridge and café. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
Eye Youth Centre and Library | Review ongoing and assessment of impact underway. Possible for investment in Manor Farm Community Centre to enhance capacity and to enable services to relocate within the village. Feasibility work ongoing, property lies within a conservation area and there may be a restrictive covenant on use. Ongoing engagement with DCMS regarding the library use | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
Bluebell meeting rooms | Centre serving over 50s. Ongoing review of options for the possible retention and expansion of uses (albeit a disposal remains possible but not recommended at this stage). Occupation needs to be regularised. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
Orton Wistow Community Centre | Review ongoing. Need to identify all uses on site to understand the use and demand better. Community Ownership Fund to be discussed to enable the group running the centre to look at the potential of purchasing the property. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
New England Complex | Multiple stakeholders on site with significant history. Review will continue to determine options. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
EAST Community Centre | Review will continue to determine future options and assess current use/demand. Long lease in place which will require consideration. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
The Cresset (specifically the three areas occupied by the council under a lease agreement) | Council leases under review. Intention to retain part (including Kingfisher Centre) and to maximise beneficial occupation. Library is not sustainable in current location and restricts income generating opportunities for the Cresset. Discussions ongoing with DCMS about the possibility of potentially relocating library elsewhere on site, subject to DCMS approval. | Further work needed before a final recommendation can be presented. |
The Cresset (Car Park) | Removed from Phase 1. Site is leased to the YMCA and not in scope. | No further action proposed. |