Budget a “desperate deception” as families in Peterborough face soaring bills

Peterborough Liberal Democrats have labelled the Chancellor’s budget announcement today a “desperate deception”, with income tax bills still set to rise for local people.
Peterboorugh Liberal Democrats have said that local residents will see through this “deception” by the Chancellor and that people don’t want more “empty promises” from this Conservative government whilst “local health services are left on their knees”.
Liberal Democrat Council Group Leader on Peterborough City Council, Cllr Christian Hogg commented:
“This Budget barely gives any respite to families and pensioners from our area, who are facing soaring mortgage bills at the same time as the cost of the weekly shop goes through the roof.
“People in Peterborough know that their tax bills will remain at unpresidented levels even after this budget, and the Conservative Chancellor is attempting a desperate deception after years of income tax hikes.
“Our residents are fed up with yet more Conservative empty promises while our local health services are inadequate and leaving patients and staff left feeling uncared for and ignored. They want proper change through a General Election so we can be rid of this Conservative government in the same way we have got rid of the Conservative administration locally."