All are welcome to my Mayoral events

I hope it’s not too late to wish a Happy New Year to all Peterborough residents
So I thought I would use this week’s column to look ahead to some of the exciting events that we have scheduled in the mayoral calendar: some of them are to raise funds for my Mayor’s charities and some are civic events. But all are welcome.
I have already held a “Meet the Mayor” open day in the Reception Room at the Town Hall last week. They are informal and relaxed events and happen every month on the first Friday.
Later in January, we have the Holocaust memorial service at St John’s Church in Cathedral Square at 11.30am on January 25. Last year’s service was immensely moving and I recall a famous person once said that if we fail to learn from history, we may be doomed to repeat it! The next day, January 26, at 11am in our magnificent Cathedral, we have the annual commemoration of Katharine of Aragon: part of a four-day festival to remember the first wife of King Henry Vlll, who is buried in the Cathedral.
And, on a lighter note, on the evening of 25 January, we have a Mayor’s fundraising quiz at the Town Hall, with questions being set for us by a well known former mayor, Keith Sharp.
On February 9, we are hosting a fundraising “Race Night” at the Town Hall. It’s actually watching films of horse races and it can be great fun, with a chance to “own” a winning horse or just to bet on which will win each race.
Looking further ahead, on February 27, former councillor Ansar Ali is organising a curry evening at a venue to be confirmed: his last one at the Gurkha Durbaar in October raised over £800 for the Mayor’s charities. And on March 9, Cllr John Fox is planning a Caribbean Evening at the Millennium Centre.
Right at the end of the mayoral year, there will be a Mayor’s Ball at the Holiday Inn Hotel on May 18: everyone is welcome but we are particularly looking for local companies to sponsor a table at the event and several have already offered to do so.
Finally, I am particularly grateful to a well known local firm of solicitors, Buckles, who have kindly supported my Mayoral charities with a substantial donation from charitable funds administered by them. Just as a reminder, my Mayor’s charities this year are Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall hospice, Deafblind UK, PECT and the air ambulances.
If you would like information on any of our mayoral events, to be put on our email mailing list or to book tickets, please email the Mayor’s office at or telephone them direct on 01733 452319.