A busy but enjoyable time getting out and about being mayor

I have been Mayor of Peterborough now for around six weeks. It’s been a busy time but also very enjoyable.
I’ve had a few people ask me questions along the lines of: “If you’re the Mayor, why don’t you get the pavements repaired in my street/make the buses run on time etc”.
I have to explain that the Mayor of Peterborough is a purely ceremonial role, unlike the Mayor of the Cambs and Peterborough Combined Authority, who has real budgets and real powers.
Whilst the Mayor has little political power, I do of course continue to be a councillor for Paston and Walton and will still be acting as strong advocate for the people of my ward.
I also see an important influencing role for the Mayor in bringing the people of our city together, in promoting the City externally and in celebrating our many diverse and colourful communities.
I am keen to get out around the City and meet as many people and groups as possible and I’ve expressed an interest in particular in meeting with local employers who help to give us a successful economy and the trade unions who ensure that the interests of employees are protected.
In the first few weeks, together with my mayoress Alderman Bella Saltmarsh, I think we have made a good start. I’m not going to make this article long and boring by listing every engagement but here are a few highlights:
• Presenting the PECT Eco-awards and celebrating environmental projects run by primary schools in Peterborough and the surrounding area.
• Speaking at several “Citizenship Ceremonies” where people from countries all over the World become new citizens of Peterborough and of the UK.
• Meeting the Portuguese Consul General and enjoying the delights of the Portuguese Festival in Cathedral Square.
•Attending a primary schools country dancing festival held at the Peterborough School
•Visiting the “Ukraine Calling” exhibition at the Museum
•Presiding and speaking at an inspiring Armed Forces Day commemoration in Cathedral Square and a Peterborough Pride event in the city centre on the same day
•Presenting awards on “Thank A Teacher Day” at the Queen Katherine Academy
•Attending the Civic Leaders Open Day at the US Air Force Base at RAF Molesworth.
The Ukraine Calling Exhibition was a very moving occasion put on by Peterborough’s growing Ukrainian community and included works of art painted by wounded Ukrainian soldiers as part of their rehabilitation. The shocking events of the Russian invasion of Ukraine last year has impacted on me personally as I have a good friend who is Ukrainian. It’s also made me much more conscious of the importance of the armed forces of the UK and the role that they play within NATO in keeping us all safe and protecting our democratic values and human rights. They are assisted in this by the visiting forces of the United States of America, who are stationed at RAF Molesworth and RAF Alconbury.
Turning to more pleasant things, I would like to thank the Dean and the staff at the Cathedral for their work in putting on my mayoral installation service in June. It was a really inspiring occasion.
As mentioned earlier, I am keen to get out and attend local events but I also want to bring people into our Town Hall to meet the Mayor and have some cake, some friendly chat and a cup of tea. So we are holding “Meet the Mayor” open days on the first Friday of every month from 2pm to 4pm to which everyone is welcome. It’s also a chance to see our historic Mayor’s Parlour and Council Chamber.
You can even sit in the mayor’s chair and be photographed wearing the mayoral chain if you want to! I look forward to meeting as many Peterborough residents as possible over the coming year.